Here is a manual on how to fix a damaged area in a wall to wall carpet. It’s not expensive to replace the carpet but it involves removing all of the things on the carpet or at least relocating them to one side and then to the other as the carpet is replaced, but as this is my office, I really don’t want to get into it, and rather just make a repair on the spot, so this is what I did, and here are my tips on it, if you ever need to do it too.
What to prepare:
- sharp utility knife
- paper at least the size of the stain to make a cutting-template out of
- contact cement or any other fast drying all purpose glue , good for fabric or carpet
- small brush to apply glue
- a similar piece of carpet for the replacement patch
- a strong plastic film bigger than the stain area that will act as the connecting material between the carpet and the patch
- large straight piece of wood or glass to put on as a base for the weight
- a few books etc to act as weights
here are the directions again:
- make your template from a paper, put it on the stain and see if it covers it all. make it a even square (with 4 even sides).
- place paper on carpet and start cutting the carpet making sure you haven’t moved the paper
- take the paper and now a cut a replacement new piece from your leftover carpet. Pay attention to the carpet thread direction.
- put plastic film below the carpet hole
- see if the patch fits perfect, again, pay attention to the carpet thread direction and place the patch to form an even texture with the carpet. If patch is bigger or one side doesn’t fit good, make corrections slowly and carefully. Remember it’s easy to cut, impossible to go back…
- apply glue to the plastic film below the carpet (3:38 in the clip), and on the exposed area
- place patch and locate it to exact fit
- check again
- when you’re satisfied, carefully put a large glass or wood on the repaired area and a few books.
- let a few hours to dry before uncovering and walking 0n